Relief Society

RS Updates and Announcements

Mission Call & Message – Ashley Behm

Ashley received her call to serve in the Barcelona, Spain mission and will be entering the MTC at the end of December. We are excited for her and the work she has been called to do. Here is a beautiful message from her:

A couple weeks ago I was writing in my journal pondering the significance of these times. Why we’ve had so much turbulence these past couple of months, it takes me back to my own life story. 

When I was twelve years old I went to the temple. As I followed my moms instruction to pray and ponder I came across a thought. “Heavenly Father, should I serve a mission?” The Spirit pierced my heart as I sat in tears. From then forward, I had one thing figured out, I was going to serve a mission. Years later, the time to submit my papers arose. All my life I’ve been preparing for this great moment. Little did I know a global pandemic would arise, little did I know political warfare would emerge, little did I know an achilles heel injury would interfere, but little did I know it has been the hardest, most rewarding year of my life. 

As I sat in my room pondering my own life’s trials, I asked myself “If someone asked me how my life’s going what would you say?”

Initially, I thought how turbulent these times were. How hindering my trials seemed to be. 

But then my thoughts went to Heavenly Father’s plan. One of my favorite scriptures is 2 Nephi 2:22-23

“And now, behold, if Adam had not transgressed he would not have fallen, but he would have remained in the garden of Eden. And all things which were created must have remained in the same state in which they were after they were created; and they must have remained forever, and had no end.

23 And they would have had no children; wherefore they would have remained in a state of innocence, having no joy, for they knew no misery; doing no good, for they knew no sin.”

This scripture is seriously pure truth. Just like Adam and Eve we must all go through misery to feel joy. I couldn’t imagine what God feels when He sees us suffer, but I know He, himself knows the uncomprehending reward available. I’ve had people ask me “so what is God’s plan then?” I respond, Heavenly Father is willing for us to go through hard things, that we may reap His immense blessings.

So let’s think about our “miseries”. What if we decided to believe our trials were opportunities for growth? What do you think would happen if we embraced them instead of resisted them?

I know my trials have been the biggest blessing in my life. It has given me immense opportunity to learn wisdom. It has given me experience and extended compassion. Most importantly, it has given me opportunities to grow closer to my Savior, Jesus Christ. The only one who understands them perfectly! Without these crucial struggles we would never be able to exercise our faith. We simply wouldn’t have to.

Let’s ponder, think of a world where everyone’s comfortable. I’m afraid there would be no growth, we’d all partake in complacency. Now, I invite you to consider a perspective. Let’s choose to believe our struggles ARE blessings. They mold us, grow our testimonies, extend to us Christ-Like attributes, give us experience, wisdom, knowledge, optimism and bring us closer to the one who suffered them.

Therefore, if we complain and let them pass by us, we sabotage our growth and His extended blessings. So let’s embrace them! Let’s ask ourselves “what lesson can I learn from this? How can I be better? How has my relationship with Christ strengthened?” My friends, if we don’t learn through experience, how do we truly learn? I promise you, when you see your life through this lens, you are strengthened with joy. 

So this is how I respond when someone asks me “How’s your life going?” I would honestly say it’s been my version of perfect. I’ve had my trials but I know they have purpose. I have witnessed the loving grace and change my Savior, Jesus Christ extends. I try my best, each and every day. I have been pulled closer to my Heavenly Father in every way, which gives me consistent peace in this world of a storm. 

Friends, our life will never be the social definition of “perfect” but it can be our own perfect. Only if you choose this, will you feel never ending happiness, wisdom, compassion and pure joy. You will have clearer eyes to see Heavenly Father’s hand in your life. Did you know this is all available to you? 

I leave you with my testimony that our Father in Heaven hears us, He will never forsaken us. He has a perfect plan. A plan of Happiness. In this plan we are meant to make mistakes, and go through turbulence. But He will always extend love, comfort, and peace through the great mediator, Jesus Christ. When we choose Him everyday our trials become bearable and our perspective becomes broadened. When you strive to obtain the perspective, our trials are opportunities for growth, I promise your life becomes liberating. I leave these words with you, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Ward Trunk or Treat

Missionary Meal Calendar

Thank you for feeding our sister missionaries! If you haven’t yet been able to feed them, you can sign up HERE. They have the option of eating outside with you, or you can take the food to them. You can indicate which you would like to do directly on the digital calendar.

Sturdy Wooden Furniture Available

Heather Krueger is looking to find new homes for some furniture. If you have interest in any, please contact her directly.

3 thoughts on “RS Updates and Announcements

  1. What a beautiful testimony, Ashley. Your reminder to ask “what lessons can I learn…how can I be better…and how has my relationship with Christ been strengthened” is so applicable to our lives today. Thank you for sharing your heart with us–we’re so excited to hear stories soon about your incredible missionary experiences!


  2. Ashley, not only are you beautiful on the outside but even more beautiful on the inside. I love your wise and beautiful testimony. You will be an amazing missionary because of your love of the Savior and His gospel. Love ya Ashley!


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